Friday, March 8, 2013

Is this prologue too edgy? Would it keep you reading on?

I just started writing a YA novel, and I want the character to be edgy like Holden Caulfield from Catcher in the Rye, but I don't want it to be over done untill the point my main comes off like a you know what. This is the first draft of my prologue, I just started it one hour ago.

Timmy Carter and the Erl King

I'm just your average fifteen year old teenager. I go to a crappy public high school, get my lunch money taken by Billy Moss everyday, make an *** out of myself when I talk to the girl I love, Stacey Harrel, and I make Cs, Bs, and a few As in between. Did I mentioned I have two moms? Yep that's right Karen and Michelle Carter. You're probably asking yourself what are they lesbians or something? Well duh! And that's not the worst part. They're white, and I'm… well I don't know what I am. Karen and Michelle say that my father was part white, part black, and part Native American; while my real mother was one hundred percent black which makes Mexican, I guess?

You're probably ROFL your butt off right now about my lesbian parents with their ethnic son, and my classmates were too back in middle school. They used to call me "Timmy Two Moms"; they used to ask which one was the daddy, which one played the mommy, that really tore me up on the inside. I never knew my father. Karen and Michelle adopted me when I was just a baby. Oddly enough the taunting about my gay parents stopped when I began high school, I thought it would get worst, and what was even more odder was the boys who used to bully me about my two mothers suddenly stopped once they reached a certain age, the age where we boys start becoming men, growing hair under every nook and cranny, our voices morphing with every sentence. Now they were suddenly spending most of their time riding their bikes in the street in front of my house, waiting for my parents to get off work so they can drool and cat call. They think my two moms are pretty cool now I guess. I know, creepy right?

Yeah I'm just you're average fifteen year old boy who happens to be the Erl King of Espearia. What's the Erl King you ask? The hell if I know, but maybe you and I can figure that out together. And that's real talk. Where's Espearia you ask? In my parent's washing machine down in our basement.No I'm not high. I don't smoke weed… anymore, but let me tell you my story, and I hope you stick around to the very end. Maybe you will learn something, I know I sure did, I just don't know what.

Do you think lesbian parents with an ethnic child is too much for YA genre?

См. статью: Is this prologue too edgy? Would it keep you reading on?