Monday, April 8, 2013

Spider problem. What would you have done?

OK, so last night, as I was about to go to sleep, a movement caught my eye. Saw the biggest housespider I have ever seen. Bigger than my hand. Almost as big as my head! It was travelling down the wall and behind the laundry basket.

I like to operate a No Kill policy when it comes to critters, so I dashed off to grab a suitable container to nab it, in preparation for relocation into the neighbours yard.

BUT nothing was available upstairs. Had to rush down to the kitchen, and by the time I got back, the spider was gone. Looked but could not find it. I live in an old house and there are loads of nooks and crannies for it to hide.

So, bearing in mind it is housespider 'mating season' (so they are on the move right now), and they tend to move around at night, I could pretty much garantee that as soon as I turned off the light it would go walkabout again.

All of this was running through my head when I went to bed.My only solution was to sleep with the covers over my head.

What would you have done in that situation?

M or F?
Added (1). LOL Amy - extreme, but effective :)
Added (2). @Aquarius - nope, just an ordinary house spider - but they get so blimming BIG

@Mabes - Wellard! Kudos!

См. статью: Spider problem. What would you have done?