Monday, July 8, 2013

This is what happens when you use fear to enforce faith?

This man's past-life regression found that he was an evangelical preacher of the 1920s.


"This man had spent his previous lifetime seeing the devil in every nook and cranny of his town in the deep South. During my review of this life with the client who carried these memories, I was told, "My parishioners were shaken to their bones with my fiery sermons of the hell awaiting all sinful transgressors." Upon his death in that lifetime, the subject described:

S: I floated out of my body…I'm kind of disoriented. I am floating in bright light. There's someone coming towards me.
Dr. N: That's fine, just take your time.
S: (long pause, and then with a loud horrified exclamation) OH, GOD.NO!
Dr. N: (startled by this outcry) What's going on?

S: (subject's body begins to shake uncontrollably) OH … OH … LORD ALMIGHTY! IT'S THE DEVIL. I KNEW IT. I'VE GONE TO HELL!
Dr. N: (grasping subject by the shoulders) Now, take a deep breath and try to relax as we go through this together.
S: (cuts in with a shrill tone of voice) I SEE THE DEVIL RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME
Dr. N: Try to calm yourself…
S: (paying no attention to me, the subject now begins to moan while rocking back and forth) Ohooo … it's over for me … I'm in hell…
Dr. N: (I break in now more forcefully) Tell me exactly what you see.
S: A … being… demonic … reddish-green face … horns … wild-eyed … fangs… the facial skin is like charred wood … O SWEET JESUS, WHY ME OF ALL PEOPLE, WHO SPOKE SO MUCH IN YOUR NAME?

Dr. N: What else do you see?
Dr. N: Stay with me. Move forward in time rapidly now and tell me what this figure does.
S: (my subject's body jerks up violently and then with a great sigh of relief he sags back into the chair) Oh … that bastard … I might have known … it's Scanlon. He is taking his mask off and smiling wickedly atme …

Dr. N: (now I can relax) Who is Scanlon?
S: My spirit guide. This is his crude idea of a joke. I should have known. He caught me unawares this time. But he is a great teacher. That's his way
Dr. N: Why frighten you just as you were coming into the spirit world a little disoriented? Tell me why Scanlon used a devil's mask to scare you right after this life? Talk to him now.
Note: I am quiet for a few moments while my subject mentally connects with Scanlon.

S: (after a period of silence) I had it coming. Oh, I know it! I spent a lifetime preaching about the devil, scaring good people … telling them they were going to hell if they didn't pay attention to me. Scanlon gave me a dose of my own medicine.
Dr. N: I want to ask you a blunt question. Did you really believe what you told your parishioners about seeing demonic forces everywhere, or were you motivated by something else?

S: (intensely) No, no—I believed what I was saying about evil being everywhere in every person. I was not a hypocrite.
I believed it.My undoing was my method of preaching and the love of the power over others that this ability gave me. Yes, I admit that failing… I made life miserable for some of my flock… not seeing the essential goodness in people. I was always suspicious because of my obsession with evil and this corrupted me.

I took a wrong turn—it was not the wrong path.My faith was not a bad thing but I became misguided and I misguided others. Scanlon wants me to see what it feels like to scare people rather than reason with them. He wanted me to feel the same fear that I gave to others."

Source: Destiny of Souls - Michael Newton

См. статью: This is what happens when you use fear to enforce faith?