Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How to get my baby back to sleep at night?

Our son is 4 months & wakes up once to feed overnight. I'm fine with waking up yet, I'm not expecting him to sleep through the night until his stomach is big enough, but when he wakes up at night, he's often up for over an hour before he'll go back to sleep.

We keep the lights out-only using night lights to change & etc, we keep things calm-to make sure he knows it's not time to play, we've tried rocking & tried just putting him back in his crib-neither seem to move the process along faster. He just never wants to go back to sleep.

He used to rock for a while, take his nook, & slowly fall back asleep within an hour, but it's gotten longer & longer to get him to go back to sleep & harder & harder, as he just squirms & cries as we try & rock him.& usually wants nothing to do with his nook anymore.

He usually wakes around 3 (having gone to bed between 7:30 & 8:30), but sometimes he'll wake at 2 & once in a while at 4, but no matter the time, it's always a long, tiring process to get him to go back to sleep. Any tips?

Читать далее: How to get my baby back to sleep at night?