Thursday, May 29, 2014

Should I report my medication as stolen or am I better off saying lost?

I have stayed at a hostel and in leaving this morning I discovered that my medications were no longer where I had hid them. My whole bottle of Concerta (ADD/ADHD) at 190 pills were gone, just vanished. Now I never had anyone in my room so I have every right to believe that someone on the staff stole the bottle, however I have no proof. I did not mention this on check out as they may have been the culprit. When I settled elsewhere I found no bottle in any of my luggage and of course on leaving I checked every drawer, nook, cranny and under everything possible. Even disassembled things, nothing. I know I should report this to the police, however I want to know if I am more likely to get my prescription refilled early if I report it as lost to my doctor, as I really need them. Thank you!
Added (1). I suppose I should add that these pills are one of the top 8 stolen medications in the world and that they are easily sold on the streets.
Added (2). Another mention I should have put. My family has a history of drug abuse in her eyes but really it was only one person who actually has. I have never abused medications and even got off pain killers, sedatives, and migraine prescribed medications by my own free will; do you think the association with my family would still hinder an early refill? The other thing is I am 3 provinces away from my doctor for the rest of the summer.

Read more: Should I report my medication as stolen or am I better off saying lost?