Friday, November 30, 2012

Need a recommendation for a tablet please?

I need an honest answer and yes I have done a lot of research but now Im confused as ever. I want to invest in a tablet but I don't know which one. The things I know I will do the most on it is read, netflix, watch movies, internet and draw. I was looking into the samsung tab 2 7.0, nexus 7 and the nook hd+ but again Im being pull in every which way.

With the economy, I don't have tons of money to invest in one so staying close to or under $250 is very important. Being able to get the barnes and noble app is also very important (my sister has a nook so I would prefer to "lend" books back and forth.) And a good drawing app is a must: D

Any recs would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading!
>>> Need a recommendation for a tablet please?