Friday, November 23, 2012

Nook HD vs Kindle Fire HD? - 2

I'm looking into buying one of them, but I'm not sure which one is best for me. I like that the Kindle Fire has a front facing camera and a larger app store, but the Nook HD has a better screen and is a little lighter. I would mostly be reading on it, but I would also be looking at magazines, playing games and possibly watching videos. If you've owned both, which do you prefer and why? Also, which online store did you like better?

I'm only looking for answers from people who have owned or tried BOTH.
Added (1). I'm not interested in the Nexus 7. I've read reviews that the Google Store app isn't fitted to the tablet and I recently saw that many people have had problems with the screen.
>>> Nook HD vs Kindle Fire HD? - 2