Thursday, December 27, 2012

I stole from Barnes and Noble?

So back in the beginning of October my friends and I use to hang out in Barnes and Nobles. One day I saw some Harry Potter knick knacks that where about 8 dollars each.Me being broke as ever thought I'd steal them. I took them onto the second level and sat in isle and uwrapped them behind my back. One of the guards must have saw me or something because then all the security guards were walking back and forth past our isle and eyeing us. When we were about to walk out the door they asked us to do 'random back checks'. The security guard who was checking us asked me where the three boxes that I took upstairs were and I said I left them there. They told me to go get them but instead of getting the empty boxes I got 3 new boxed from the display case upstairs and we left.
That was back in the beginning of October and It's the end of December now but I haven't got back since. I love books and I really want to go back but I don't want to get in trouble.So the question is: What would happen if I go back in to B&N?
Added (1). To Amanda, I can't really order from them online because I'll have to ask my parents and they'll just say 'Go to the one downtown' which is the one I stole from.
>>> I stole from Barnes and Noble?