Thursday, January 31, 2013

What are some places to work that arent high energy?

I'm 17 and have been working in fast food. I'm on the verge of being fired, and if I don't I'm going to quit within a month anyway.It's too fast paced for me and I'm pretty slow and scatter brained.

I want to work somewhere calm or neutral like a bookstore or a clothing store. I'm looking more at a book store, and honestly don't know of any close clothing stores. The only bookstores I know of around here is Barnes and noble and half price books, are there any other book store chains I don't know of? Also, what's other slow paced//calm environment places to work.

I got offered a job at my local TCF bank which I'm going to take in the summer when I have my GED because it's not a high energy job. But until then, I need some income, I can't afford to not to be working (I help my parents pay bills, and have to buy my own necessary items for living)
>>> What are some places to work that arent high energy?