Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Best ereader for a newbie?

So after trying to read an ebook on my phone, I finally got the hang of it.My only problem is it hurts my eyes after a long period of time, so I decided to buy an ereader. I want something that's a bit cheaper (less than $100) but something that'll do the task perfectly. I've researched a bit and found some good picks.My first choice was kindle 4.It was obvious since I buy ebooks from amazon. But I heard that after a long duration of time or about a year, the kindle will malfunction (something about the screen?), so that turned me off.Is it true or false? Other ereaders were good (Nook, Sony, Kino) but I want something that'll work with amazon ebooks.So far, I see none T_T Is kindle my only choice? I'll choose the paperwhite 3g version later in the future but as of now, I just want a simple ereader…
Added (1). Tablets are out of the question, BTW…
>>> Best ereader for a newbie?