Saturday, February 9, 2013

Is this a good stuffy nose remedy?

I saw this on the internet.It's a way to unstuff noses.My nose is really stuffy so please tell me if this works. I just want to sniff again: c

Also, I dont have any scotch tape so what can I use as an alternative?

"This ALWAYS works for me. I've been doing it a lot, due to it being cold season.It works really quickly, too!
1. Get a face cloth
2. Put it in the microwave for 10 minutes
3. Take out some hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol
4. Get a chain saw and cut off your nose (DO NOT THROW IT AWAY)
5. Immediately put the face cloth on where your nose used to be for 35 seconds
6. Pour the hydrogen peroxide on your actual nose. Make sure to get every nook and cranny of it
7. Take the face cloth off your face
8. Pour the rubbing alcohol all over your face and scream (MAKE SURE TO SCREAM LOUD ENOUGH SO THE NOSE HEARS IT.IT WILL SCARE THE STUFFINESS OUT OF IT)
9. Get Scotch Tape and tape your nose back onto your face
10.Be happy"
>>> Is this a good stuffy nose remedy?