Sunday, March 3, 2013

American travelling to Cuba or North Korea?

Hi. I am a 24-year old woman from Washington DC and I'm VERY adventurous. I have been ever since I was a kid, I would wander the neighborhood and find out all the nooks and crannies of our town. Well, I know this might sound crazy, but I want to travel to Cuba or North Korea. The two countries that everyone says you can't go to, I want to go there.My question is: which one would be better to go to? Which one would be safer? Which one would I be less discriminated for/better be able to hide being American? I don't care much about these, I am going to one of them one way or another. I heard Cuba is beautiful, being in the Caribbean, but I also heard North Korea is a very interesting place, it's just they strictly limit tourism in the country.So my question is, which one should I visit? And do either of them have an American embassy/a protecting power?
Thank you xoxo

См. статью: American travelling to Cuba or North Korea?