Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Pregnant ghost shrimp i need the do's and dont's!

I have discovered thatvone of my ghost shrimp is carrying eggs.but i have no idea what i should be doing and weirdly the internet dosent seem to be helping much! So…

I have moved her to a breeding net box with a large moss ball and some super fine wavey fern to hide this ok?

Will she be ok on her own?

do i need a male shrimp in with her or is his buisness done?

When will the eggs hatch?

Do i remove mum from the net once they have hatched?

Will they survive in the net?

when can i release them in to the tank?

ANY advice from previous research/experiance is welcome.i would love to have some baby shrimp!

i know what i need to he feeding them (hence the lump of marimo moss from my tank and the fern) i also have super fine algae wafers crushed

The tank she is in is a 30 gallon 4ft long well planted tank with loads of nautural oak in it with losdsnof nooks and crannies to hide plus some rocks with small caves etc

i have 8 Odessa barbs (five banded), 4 danios in there last legs (nearly 7 years old!) 6 ghost shrimp (including the pregnant one) and 2 baby cherry shrimp.and 2 apple snails.

Lets hope you guys can help!

См. статью: Pregnant ghost shrimp i need the do's and dont's!