Friday, May 3, 2013

Does this mean I'm an empath?

I usually get a sense of others' emotions, which I think is pretty normal. Weird thing is, I can tell if a person is in a good or bad mood before I see them. Here's an example- I'm walking around school, wondering where one of my friends is. All of a sudden, I get a horrible feeling, like my heart's being ripped in two, and I nearly broke down crying, the heartbreak was so bad. The same friend I was thinking about runs up to me crying, and told me a very close family member died.
After calming down both myself and my friend, I brush off the emotion I got as a weird one-in-a-million time thing.
Another recent occurence: I'm at a different friend's house, and as soon as I walk in, I feel insanely angry. I try to ignore it, sucessfully avoiding screaming in frustration.My friend's brother stomps down the stairs, face red and a big scowl on his face. He then whines to his mother about how he's really mad that "Sissy's Nook won't unlock!!" (he's a very spoiled six year old, and he likes taking my friend's stuff. She has a lock on all her electronics so he won't get into it, which apparently causes him to have violent temper tantrums)

См. статью: Does this mean I'm an empath?