Friday, February 14, 2014

How possible is this dream?

I want to open a scifi/fantasy bookstore, maybe with comics too. I want there to be a café-ish section because all good bookstores have a café-ish section. This'll be in like ten years from now, when I'll have more money, hopefully. I want to have a raised part on one side of the cafe with the back painted chalkboard and people can perform spoken word or comedy routines or plays or ANYTHING on the weekends when it's BYOB. Hopefully weed will be legalized by then and I'll sell edibles at this time. On your average night it'll be b-horror and cult-classic movie showings on a projection screen. There'll be nooks and crannies in the bookstore part with droopy couches for people to chill. I miss places like this and want to make my own. I'll live above. I'm really bad at knowing when something I'm thinking of is possible or not, though. So I'd love some input on whether or not this just sounds like a really stupid dream.

Читать далее: How possible is this dream?