Thursday, May 22, 2014


Ok so a few days ago i came home from work to see my cat had some how smashed through the mesh on my exo terra set up that hold my pinstripe bp so i had to switch my bp to the tank my corn was in and gave my corn another tank i had for backup, and just last night i checked on her and everything seemed fine i put the weight back onto her tank and went to bed, this morning i woke up and i went to check on her again and seen she had pooped behiiind her encloser so at first i thought it might have been old or some how gotten dropped there as i was cleaning her tank so i started searching for her and i took everything out of her tank checked everything before setting it down conpletely emptied her tank bedding and all, she is no where to be found! Ive been looking since this morning went to work and my gf has been looking all day imhome now and have been searching for hours! I neeeeeddd help! Ive heard of the bottle trick and flour trick also and ive searched eeevery where in my room every nook and crannie under the fridge under everything up high down low and stilll nothing! Im starting to get a bit worried! Any other sugestions or ideas? Shes a 8 month old albino corn so she can probly squeeze into jist about anything! Im laying down water dishes to make sure shes still drinking and im going to set her tank laid down on the floor i really hope she turns up soon! Thanks for reading!