Saturday, March 7, 2015

Wiccans, what makes Wicca into a religion? What makes it true?

the Witch-cult hypothesis, that you're religion was founded upon, has been debanked.

God The Grandpa just now
so why isn't it just a form of LARPing?
what makes it "true"? For a religion to be a religion, it needs to be either based on an unbroken hereditary tradition, or some divine revaluation, like a gospel.
if it's just a 70 years old 20th century invention that doesn't even claim any divine revaluation and it's climes for historical connection to secret medieval Witch-cult been debunked to the point even most Wiccans accept it… Why practice it, what makes it "true".
at least LARPers for the most part realize they are playing with make belief… For the most part.

Read more: Wiccans, what makes Wicca into a religion? What makes it true?