Thursday, November 29, 2012

Kindle Paperwhite 3G or Nook?

I am looking to buy an eReader for my wife for Christmas. I have read so many different reviews on these. She truly will use this only for reading. I read reviews that it's hard to see while being outside. She loves to read whether were home, at a doctor's office, or even at the beach. I want a good reader so she will have no problems when trying to read. Which one would you guys prefer and also is it easy to read even in the sun if there is a glare? I see many different kind of kindles but the one that caught my attention is either the Kindle Paperwhite 3G or the Kindle Paperwhite. Also, are you able to access Facebook from these? Thanks for your help!
Added (1). Thanks for the answers guys… How is the Kindle in the sun. Like say if your reading it at the beach. I know when I use my iPhone in the sun, it gets hard to read so I have to adjust the brightness and make it brighter so it's easier to see what i'm doing.
>>> Kindle Paperwhite 3G or Nook?