Saturday, November 10, 2012

My Idea? For A Book? Your Opinion, Please?

A little warning: There is romance. If you're looking for innocence, shop in the children's section of Barnes and Nobles.
The two main characters are Edgar Charlemagne and Penelope Nitch. Penelope is a human girl, caught up in the tragedies of being a teenage book worm, while Edgar is a high-class wizard, or as he calls himself "A Magician." and is very highly regarded and a perfect socialite in the Fanatsy community. Edgar looks 16, but he's been around since human's invented imagination. He was born from a spark of an idea, someone out there thought of him, and he rose about 1, 000 years ago. He's been through hell and back, and as of today owns an apartment building named "Hollow's Ledge", It has rooms of all shapes and sizes, some impossibly large, some invisible to a human eye. One day, Penelope is up on a roof, contemplating life, pacing back and forth, when she trips over something and falls off the roof, screaming all the way. But she never hit the ground; she was in someones arms, and they were flying above the clouds. That's when she fainted.
She woke up in the lobby of Hollow's Ledge, with Edgar. They become friends, and go through a lot of funny scenes. He shows her around, after he learns to trust her, and she learns about the Fantasy Committee and Board, the only remaining group of Fantasy Creatures who live here, with Edgar. Eventually, Penelope kisses Edgar while they are walking through the clouds.
But, in a padlocked door in the basement of Hollow's Ledge, sits Karr, Edgars Ex, and a Physcotic demon drained of her energy and power.As soon as Edgar realised she was evil, he chained her up in a room, and there she lay. Asleep, for now, and hopefully disinigrated soon.
And next door to Hollows Ledge sits the Catholic Boarding house for Future Nuns. More like Future Tyrants. The head sister, Sister Q (they never use full names there.), knows of what the Hollows Ledge holds within, and wants to torch Edgar like they did in the Salem witch trials. But Edgar hs her under a curse that shuts her mouth and shuts it tight whenever she tries to speak of it to anyone.
Mr. Moor is the caretaker of the Boarding House, and shares Sister Q's ideas of Edgar. He has been placed upon the same curse.
Let me know what you think of it :)
>>> My Idea? For A Book? Your Opinion, Please?