Saturday, November 10, 2012

Where can I buy a good Bible and cross necklace?

I went to Half Price Books and all they had were these lame soft-covered Bibles.So I went to Barnes and Noble and they had the same new-age Pagan b.s. I want a BIBLE. Hard-cover, thin pages. I don't want some thick, satanical pages w/ a cover that looks like it's my grandma's photo album. And I want a cross. A plain cross w/ no swirly jazz for the heathens - just a squared off, PLAIN METAL CROSS.

Where can I find these?

Thank you
Added (1). Also, if your church has a projector screen and/or a rock band, switch churches because you are praying in a house of Satan.
>>> Where can I buy a good Bible and cross necklace?