Friday, December 28, 2012

Opengl and c++, yes, no, maybe so?

Right now I am reading a book on c++. After I read this book(and probably another) I want to get into opengl.Is c++ the programming language for opengl? If not, what is? Also, the book I am reading is called Beginning C++ Through Game Programming by Mike Dawson. I was reading the reviews for this book and they were pretty much saying it is just a reference book. Have any of you read it.Is it really just a reference book that won't teach me a lot? I am on chapter 5 (of 10) and am feeling like I've learned a lot, but am I really not learning that much? What book would be a good one for me to read after this one? One last question. I was at Barnes and Noble and saw a book that was called Opencl programming guide.At first glance I thought it said opengl. After looking at it again it said opencl. What is the difference between opengl and opencl? Which would I use to make graphics (which is what I want to do). I know I am asking a lot of questions, but if you can at least answer one please do. Thank you.
>>> Opengl and c++, yes, no, maybe so?