Sunday, January 6, 2013

How are novels chosen to be Barnes and Noble classics?

Being a lover of literature, the classics have always been my favorite. I buy all of my books in physical form, and the set of "Classic" novels by Barnes & Noble are my absolute favorite. I always buy those paperback version if it exists in the B&N classics library. I was wondering, how are classic novels and other works chosen to be in the B&N classic library? I haven't been able to figure it out on my own, and was wondering if there is any way certain books are chosen. For example, B&N has chosen many novels by Dickens to be featured, but not all of his major novels are in this certain publishing that I love. Another example is Fitzgerald, two of his novels are in this set, but his most famous (The Great Gatsby) is not. If there is a way that B&N uses to determine if they are made into classic, please let me know!

Here is a link to a picture of the type of B&N classic set that I am talking about, they are the perfect size!
>>> How are novels chosen to be Barnes and Noble classics?