Tuesday, January 29, 2013

How to safely introduce a puppy and a kitten? - 1

Well, this summer coming my mum and I are moving house. Although my mum has always loved cats, she always used to say that there 'wasn't enough room for a second pet'. Now, however, the house we are moving to is big enough for 10 cats! (nyahaha) - so I've told her we're getting a kitten, which she knew was coming.

Now, by the time we move in the summer, our little puppy will be a year and a half old, so in that little nook between "puppy" and "Dog". He is well behaved in the sense that when you say "sit", he will sit, and when you say "Leave", he will leave stuff alone. Unfortunately, he's like a child in a candy store, and gets excited by everything! (he once played with a crunchy leaf in the garden for almost an hour). He's a very rough-and-tumble kind of dog and loves to physically play. He's not aggressive in any way but is VERY nosy, and has to be in the centre of everything! He has met cats before (when out walking), and he always approaches them on his belly. He even bonked one on the head once with his paw (which earned him a hiss).

Like I said, he is not aggressive in anyway, just very hyperactive and very full on. He's the type of dog that when you first meet he runs up to you like Dug from Up and is like "Will you be my friend? ^_^"

The house IS big enough that they can stay out of each other's way, and we have (in the past when I was a lot younger) had dogs and cats together (we even had a blind cat that was boss of the two dogs), but I just want to know a way that I can safely and calmly introduce the new kitten into the home without fear of the puppy. I need a way that the two will either get along fine, or be impassive to one another.

Can anyone give me some tips on how to do this?

Added (1). Additional -

Oh, yes, I intend to introduce them slowly to one another. I don't want to upset the kitten and agitate the puppy in any way shape or form. I want the two of them to eventually become comfortable around one another, and I don't mind if it takes a long time for this to happen - I will stay with them for as long as is necessary :)
>>> How to safely introduce a puppy and a kitten? - 1