Saturday, February 9, 2013

I need good female and male names for a dystopian story I'm writing. Any Ideas?

Heres a discription of my characters:
She's the main character of the story and has a talet in stealth, the knowlege of herbs and speed. She could be a little shy at times but she isn't afraid to defend herself and her loved ones. Her best weapon of choice is a black metallic staff. She's a bit african but has a strong side of native american. She has beautiful hazel eyes and dark brown curly hair. She'svery good with animals.

He's been alone for half of his life eversince his family died in a raid. He's kind, mercyful and could be a bit starcastic at times though he's a awesome compainion to have aroound. He has light carmel skin with long black hair and blue-grey eyes. I drew him and he's really cute but hard to describe… his weapon of choice are the chakra blades ( you should look it up, its realy cool). He's also greatly talented in martial arts.
I tjought about naming him Enzo but I want to be sure of what I want.

Sorry if theres some errors, I'm typing on my nook color.ene
>>> I need good female and male names for a dystopian story I'm writing. Any Ideas?