Thursday, March 21, 2013

How to help my dog go to sleep without me?

I adopted a senior pug 1½ years ago. He was abused and malnourished when I adopted him, weighing only 10½ lbs (he's now happy and a nice fluffy 17 lbs:) Well, we literally became attached to each other from the moment we met. He is quiet, peaceful, and loves me to pieces. He also loves my husband, but he follow me around - not my husband.
I have severe insomnia and sometimes I don't actually go to bed.My dog (his name is Frog, btw) will not go to sleep if I am not in bed with him. When he does sleep, he sleeps VERY close to me - sometimes he actually sleeps IN my arms like a child would… on his side, facing me, with his head in the nook of my arm/shoulder. If I'm not lying in bed, he will stay wide awake. He doesn't like to play. He has asthma, so he can't run without choking and having trouble breathing. His previous owners (obviously) did not take care of him *at ALL* b/c it's taken me quite a long time to even get him to walk with a full-bodied harness and leash. He stays close at all times when he goes outside to use the bathroom - except when he poops - he RUNS - and i have to grab him and carry him to inside so he doesn't run too far.
SO - exercise is pretty much out of the question. I walk him as much as possible, but his bones and joints are bad (he's approx. 12 y/o or so, per the vet), doesn't like to play with toys, and of course I will NOT be a horrible pet owner and take the lazy (and DANGEROUS) way out by giving him human medicine to make him sleepy. I need a healthy remedy to help my poor dog sleep - I don't want him to suffer just because I do. I love my dog and I want what is best for him. Yes, he sleeps through the day, of course, but I know he wants to sleep at night, too, but only with me next to him. I worry about this. Please, if you have some GOOD advice, I would appreciate you sharing your wealth of knowledge :)
Thank you so much to those that are kind enough to take the time to help!

См. статью: How to help my dog go to sleep without me?