Thursday, July 4, 2013

Fleas, what am I doing wrong?

We moved into a house that has fleas, unfortunately we didn't find out until my cat already caught them! So we treated our cat with a spot on treatment from her vet (I forget the name) when I still found fleas on her a few days later I treated her again with frontline.

There is obviously a problem with the environment so we also treated the house:
I vacuum every day or every other day (including all carpets, non carpeted floors, nooks and crannys, upholstery, mattresses)
I mop non carpeted floors
I washed all our linens, bedding, towels, clothes on a 60 wash
I have spent a small fortune on flea products, including powders, sprays, collars and bombs
I threw out my cats blanket
I keep a flea collar in the vacuum and dispose of the bag outside the house
I used a flea collar on my cat for a week but it irritated her so much (bald patches) that we had to take it off

After we first bombed the house (all carpeted rooms) we saw no fleas for a week, we saw them again and bombed again. Our house has been bombed 2 consecutive weekends. Today I found another flea on my cat, and a bite on my leg, just 4 days after bombing.

I flea comb her everyday but I assume sometimes I miss some.

Anyway, I'm hoping I can get some advice or at least commiseration on my situation! I am so tired of the excessive cleaning, my poor cat isn't allowed in our bedroom (or most rooms even) anymore.

I understand that the protective cocoons could be hatching, but shouldn't they just die once they are in the treated areas? My carpeted rooms have all been bombed twice!!!

It's so hard when you have no way of knowing that they are dying, I mean I check my cat everyday but I could be missing them. I suppose if it was a bigger infestation I would see more? Or if it wasn't working I would see more?

Someone please tell me I'm doing the right stuff and it just takes time and share your stories of how longi it took you!

Another thing to add, my cat is indoor only, so she isn't bringing them in from outside!

См. статью: Fleas, what am I doing wrong?