Friday, August 2, 2013

How to clean cat pee smell from vents?

I have a horrible cat urine smell that comes out of our vents when we turn the A/C on. I'm pretty sure it's from my cat.he is 4 years old, has been neutered, and still sprays. We just moved into a new rental home 2 months ago and have had no issues because he is an indoor/outdoor cat and always does his business outside. A few days ago I noticed a nasty urine smell in the house. I tore apart the whole thing with a black light and found no traces anywhere except in the basement, in a small nook behind the furnace. He had been peeing on a bag of curtains left from the previous renter. I got rid of the bag and scrubbed/mopped the floors. You can't smell anything at all in the basement but when I turn the A/C on, the smell is still there. I heard using Natures Miracle works wonders with getting rid of the smell, but the Q&A on their website states that it doesn't work on metal. I had intended on spraying it into the vents, but not sure this will even help because the vents are metal. Someone help! I can't handle it any more and i know my landlord will not approve if the smell persists.Is the soiled bag related to the vent smell? Or could he have possibly peed on the outdoor A/C? I don't understand how this smell got in there. We used the A/C for weeks straight and no smell then all of a sudden its overpowering. Getting rid of the cat is NOT the answer I'm looking for. Regardless of whether he stays or not, the smell will still be there.

См. статью: How to clean cat pee smell from vents?