Thursday, June 12, 2014

Is The Scorch Trials book of The Maze Runner series by James Dashner worth reading?

I just finished reading "The Maze Runner" and I'm trying to figure out if it is worth my time to read the rest of the 3 book series. The reasons for why I am hesitant to read the second and third books of this series are as follows:
1) I read the entire Divergent series and although I really enjoyed the first book, the second and third books were just not up to par.
2) This seems to be a trend in sci-fi trilogies; the first book is great, while the second and third books of the same series are just not. Tell me if James Dashner's books are an exception to the rule!

Lastly, sorry if I insulted your favorite book if it is part of a trilogy or whatever, I just need someone's frank opinion on whether I should finish the entire series. (Please use kind words ;)

P.S. I've already tried reading some of the reviews on the Amazon and Barnes and Noble websites, but the ones explaining their recommendations for the book in full detail contain spoilers.


Read more: Is The Scorch Trials book of The Maze Runner series by James Dashner worth reading?