Sunday, March 1, 2015

Store alarm went off but no one came after me?

I reserved an AP book at Barnes and Noble, so I went to go pick it up today but before I went to the front register I browsed around the other AP books. I actually needed 2 more AP books, which are very expensive. While browsing, I just decided I would slip them in my backpack with no intention of paying for them. After I slipped them, I went to the front and requested that I purchase my reserved book. I bought it, and left with the other two books I'd stolen.

As I was leaving, the alarm went off but no workers came after me and no one told me to stop. I waited in my car for about 30 minutes and the police didn't show up either. Am I free?

I guess my motives for stealing were that
1) the American education system is stupid and overpriced
2) I received poor customer service from Barnes and Noble the week prior and sought revenge
3) I felt guilty for being such an intellectual genius--it puts such a great monetary strain on my mother and I hate taking from her funds

That's besides the point though. My main question is, will they still try to come after me? I actually purchased something, so I don't think I seemed that suspicious.

Read more: Store alarm went off but no one came after me?